Enjoy a series of training with Daewoo Information Systems
Date: May 25 2016 With Mr. Chang Ho Lee
Chang Ho Lee , our great instructor, is one of best teacher we ever met , and he is very keen at Java , Oracle Database and eGoverment Framework from Korea.
He helped us to understand overall concept of training and architecture of korean framework. we learned and studied together , and he helped us to do tasks below.
It was very memorable time for us , and we all appreciate his assistance to us.
- Analysis on environment
- DB Installation
- Configuration Server Installation
- Develop environment Setup
- Foundation Training for education platform and E-government framework

CLIP Report Foundation Training With
Mr. Wonn Young Ryu on May 25 2016
He is a kind of guru in CLIP Report, and He knows many of tips for quick development , and the report was very impressive to us.
we can learn how to build report with SQL , and we also learn easy and quick development using CLIP report tool.
we've done several practices , and finish up all the session he prepared for us.
- Concept of report tool and how to use report tool
- SQL with CLIP Report
- Table Components in CLIP Report
- Integration To Web with CLIP Report
- Practice to build a report
UI Development Training With Mr. Chang Ho Lee for Blue Stone team on May 27 2016.
He is very nice Teacher, and we were able to learn NEXACRO, and integrating with Goverment Framework.
We learned how to use NEXACRO, and did several screen development and homework with agenda below.
- eGoverment framework
- Daewoo Standard Model and Tool
- Practice on Development
- Home Work and Review